Cocker Spaniel Lipomas My Cocker Spaniel Has A Lot Of Lipomas All Over His Body. How To Get Rid Of Them?

My cocker spaniel has a lot of lipomas all over his body. How to get rid of them? - cocker spaniel lipomas

And surgery - about 60 of the bumps, but in a few months and more. Difficult to maintain and itching.
May it is possible that certain medications? Help. (He is 10 years)



The only way to get rid of them is surgery. However, again and again.
Unless you want the dog continue to benefit from an operation to live with them. There is no medicine for them.

BVC_asst said...

Veterinarian reported no medication or surgery to remove just about them?

KJ said...

My dog had some in his later years. The vet said he was not punished for what it was safer to leave it. (My dog was in kidney failure and could not) go under anesthesia.

Your vet has no idea what to do when he came back?

Staci said...

The vet recommended the withdrawal? In general, you just go, what ur saying. Consider shaving her cocker spaniel in a cute and short hair. With oatmeal bath to soothe shampoo, itchy skin. We use our veterinary advice Benadryl to relieve itching.

Your vet may have the test, please follow-up visit

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