Transcontinental Lending Anyone Have Experience With Transcontinental Lending Group?
Anyone have experience with Transcontinental Lending Group? - transcontinental lending
Hello, Yahoo! Country.
I talk to Transcontnental Lending Group on the position of a mortgage originator and wondered if anyone has any experience with them. Things that sound good, almost too good ...
Thanks in advance!
I do not.
I remember a man named Louis Perlman, the record company had called Transcontinental also played a role in other companies too, like this one was an agency of headhunters, who was almost a fraud, that I have sucked into. If they demand for money (in advance of their start-up costs such as training materials, business cards, etc.). These are elements that must be dealt with without charge. Finally, you will make money, and that their investment in you.
Hope it helps, good luck!
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